AIO Tm : Free File Hosting

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Hello readers, at this post, I would like to give information to you and as the answer to the question from someone through email to me about how to upload the file to internet, so people can download it.
When we want to upload file to internet, whether it is a text, image, music, video, or others, we should have a location to store the files that we will upload. The location to store the files is usually called file hosting. Now what should we do to have the file hosting?
Like the web hosting, you will find many sites on the internet that provide file hosting with any charge that drains our pocket. However, if you don’t have enough fund to hire the file hosting, you don’t need to worry, because in additional to paid file hosting, there is also free file hosting, even in a large numbers.
Well, as the information for you, I have written several sites that provide the free file hosting.
