The Complete Solution for Free Web Hostingz

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

When I just knew internet, I looked forward to having a website. However, this desire was obstructed by other thing, because when I ought to create my own website, I ought to have my own domain name and web hosting, and it would cost. The problem was I can’t afford it. If you experience the same thing as I did, we should wonder whether we could create a website or blog with no charge. The answer is yes and it is easy.
Nowadays, there are many free domain hosting and web hosting providers on the internet. One of the free domain providers is CO.CC that I have explained at Get Free Domain From Co.CC and for the setting of CO.CC can be found at How to set up Co.CC domain for Blogger.
After you have your own domain, then you have to own web hosting. The following are the URL address of free web hosting:
In order to have an account of free web hosting, you can register or sign up and follow the guide.
Happy trying and hopefully you succeed.